April 8, 2011

Angel Food Cake and Soccer

EVERY time I go to Goodwill (which is often) I always see angel food cake pans in the pots, pans and dishes section, and they are ALWAYS missing their bottoms. Some people call them tarte pans, some quich pans, but Ima go with angel food, cause it's my favorite. I love the way these pans look, all gleaming silver and fluted, so I wondered if there was any way I could use them without the bottom (ALWAYS missing!)
Only .99 cents each, I picked up a couple.

 I just love the shape and finish of this and knew I had to find a way to re use it!

Then I spotted this cheap, plastic soccer theme mirror and got an idea!
The round mirror in this baby was *exactly* the same size as the bottom of my cake pan! Ding ding ding!!
SO................(you probably see where I'm going with this)

I turned it over, undid the four small screws and sports theme printed cardboard (cause it IS a soccer mirror after all) that held the mirror in AND...........

Covered the cardboard with some wrapping paper and spray glue. I wasn't too concerned about being neat here, because the mirror will be covering everything up.THEN.......

Added a few spots of hot glue to the back lip of the cake pan,
glued the prettied up cardboard to the lip........

 turned it over AND...........

This is what it looks like so far, UNTIL........

another couple of dabs of glue, and Voila! A beautiful little mirror.
It has the look of a starburst mirror, and you could use this for all sorts of things. I would probably use it on my vanity to hold bracelets or perfume bottles, but you could also hang it just by attaching a piece of ribbon to the back, like so.......

And the grand total? .99 cents for the cake pan, $2.99 for the soccer mirror (can you believe that thing cost more than the beautiful, fluted, silver cake pan....oh, I know why....NO BOTTOM!)

I would love the hear what you've re-purposed lately. 
As always, thanks for visiting. If you like it here, consider following! It's fun to follow!

I am sharing this post over at:

Chic on a Shoestring Decorating



Funky Junk's Saturday Nite Special


Weekend Bloggy Reading


Spunky Junky



over at Beyond the Picket Fence Under $100 Link Party



Anonymous said...

That looks so cool and a cheap project. Great thinkin!

Steve Kimme-Hea said...

Pretty cool stuff, Laura! Tell Amy you want to come over and decorate our house. (we just don't have the talent)

LBB said...

That turned out so cool! I would not have thought of using a pan for a mirror :) Love it!
New follower too & looking forward to reading more !

Lucydesignsart.com said...

that looks really cool, great job!

Tanya said...

How cute....LOVE great Goodwill finds!

Spunky Junky said...

What a creative idea! I would have never thought of using pie tins! So cool, I will be featuring you on Spunky Junky tomorrow!


Becky@Beyond The Picket Fence said...

Turned out so great, love the light reflecting off both the tin and the mirror! Thanks for sharing at Beyond the Picket Fence.

Anonymous said...

This is awesome. Thanks for sharing.

Your newest follower...Jessica
I'd love for you to stop by...

AmyH said...

looks great! Thanks for auditioning for American Crafter- good luck:)

Anonymous said...

LOVE the look of this and would love a wall full of them in my kitchen! I'll have to keep my eye out when I hi up GW next time I go! Saw you over at the American Crafter auditions - best of luck to you!

Unknown said...

love this!!! Great idea for those pans😀I will be making 2 of these for the guest room and one 4 the vanity. Thanks for sharing

Rachael said...

Firstly thanks for sharing Very pretty project! I love the fact that you used something so simple to create such a stunning result.

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