
October 3, 2012

Novica Review Part 2 and a Winner!!

Thanks everybody for participating in my first ever giveaway!! It was a really great experience and I learned a bit more about a company doing great things. If you aren't familiar with Novica, they are in association with National Geographic to work with artisans around the globe for fair trade. Partnering with them on this giveaway gave me the chance to browse their website more extensively and I was surprised at the variety of product they had, as I mentioned in my earlier review, here. Browse their line of Peruvian necklaces and you are sure to find something you like. Looking for the perfect gift for your boss or co-worker? Novica has a great selection of gifts and you can choose a price point, like say $30 or less and it will pull up all the items in that price range. Really unique items, too.

So for my review, I ordered these pillow covers, which come in a pair:

I waited about two weeks to receive my order, which wasn't bad considering it shipped directly from India. It arrived in a cardboard envelope, and inside was wrapped in a nice heavy paper, pretty ribbon and a small envelope.

 Inside the small envelope were a small booklet, a postcard and my shipping slip.

 The booklet contained some information about the pillow covers I ordered........

This is the postcard, which I love! I have long heard about the Bikaner Camel Festival, where they shave the camels fur into intricate shapes and designs. Don't know if that's what is being depicted here, but check this out:

Cool, huh? As I understand, it doesn't harm the camel in any way...just a really fancy haircut!! I digress.....

The back of the postcard had a hand written the native script!

Even the ribbon tying the package was beautiful.

And here are my pillow covers.
I LOVE them! Much more saturated than I thought they would be, but that's a good thing. The color is beautiful, the embroidery meticulous. I couldn't be happier with the overall presentation of the product, from browsing, to ordering, to receiving, the whole experience was one I thoroughly enjoyed!

As part of my review, one reader was selected at random to receive a gift card to shop Novica's website and without further ado, the winner is....
                                                 drumroll please.......................................

If this is you, please e-mail me to claim your prize.

Thanks to Novica for partnering with me to bring ya'll this giveaway and thanks to all who entered!

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