A big 'ol shout out to Stacy of
Conspicuous Style! Stacy was recently featured as a guest on
The Enchanted Home and in addition to showcasing her own amazing style, she did a roundup of some of her favorite ideas from other bloggers, one of which was my
Tablecloth becomes Floorcloth project. She even called it one of her all-time favorites! That is quite the compliment coming from Stacy who has crazy gorgeous, glamorous and impeccable style. And wasn't it so sweet of her to include other bloggers in her guest post? It was her spotlight and she chose to share it with others....Conspicuously awesome. Thanks Stacy!
This is Stacy -- thank you SO much For this Laura! Just wanted to let people know that my blog has moved to WWW.SOUTHSHOREDECORATINGBLOG.COM