
October 25, 2011

A Time Warp and an Artist Crush

Holy Hibiscus Batman!! Has it really been three weeks since my last post?! Inconceivable! The only explanation I can offer is that I was sucked into a time-warp. What I *thought* was yesterday actually occurred 20 days ago. Come to think of it, it did seem like I was tackling a lot of different projects, among them a table makeover, a china cabinet/hutch makeover, a roadside rescue of four chairs including makeovers, back to school prep (we live in a year round school district, so we get three weeks off beginning Sept 26th).flipping through many magazines and making one fabulous Mermaid Halloween costume, all in one day, and that was the best run-on sentence I have ever concocted! Turns out it wasn't all in one day, but rather 20 days ago. Ah well, it was at least a productive time warp! Now back to real time.....

I will be back shortly with a slew of posts regarding the above mentioned time warp project-palooza, but first I wanted to share a recently re-visited artist crush I have going on. I had heard of this artist several years ago and was duly impressed with her work. While 'researching' shelter mags recently, I came across her name again and remembered how much I loved her process. Her style is so fluid, full of movement, color, shape, whimsey, exploding with energy! Enough of my blabbing, see for yourself. Behold the art of Beatriz Milhazes:

This is a screenshot of a google image search I did, and as you can see, there are hundreds of images on view there. It's exceedingly difficult to choose which might be a favorite, but it sure is a visual delight in trying!

One or two that caught my eye.....make it three!

"Batucada" 2009
"Acorde, Mamãe (Wake, Mom)" 1995
"O Moderno" 2002
You can see for yourself why I am so smitten. Alas, with price tags in the millions column, it is a love affair I will feed from afar.

Meanwhile here is something my daughter drew with the 'paint' program on my laptop:

I dig it! Perhaps it will one day fetch millions......

Thanks so much for visiting today and I would love to hear what artists inspire YOU!


  1. Laura, I missed you! Please do some posts about the projects you've been working on . . . especially that mermaid costume! Fun artwork, BTW.

    Warmly, Michelle

  2. Michelle, you are such a sweetie! Thanks for sticking with me :-)


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