
August 18, 2011

Feature in the Houzz!

Hey there....I just learned that my laundry room was featured a few days ago on Houzz!! It was part of a post on how to store an Ironing Board and mine is the ninth image from the top. Pretty cool! Check it out!


  1. Hey Laura, congrats!!! Isn't it great to see your rooms posted somewhere by surprise?? It's been a long time for me, but I do remember the feeling! :)

    I started a new feature on my blog called: "A Picture is Worth..." it's a call back to posting pics of CDLV, I really hope you'll stop by and check it out! :) xo,A

  2. Congrats!! I love it when that happens!! You should google your name and blog -- when I did that I found a bunch of stuff that had been published and I didn't even know!

  3. Your laundry room is beautiful, love the ironing board cover!

  4. i think i threw my ironing board away. if not, it's hidden somewhere never to be seen again!!! but yours looks lovely all dressed up in black and white against that awesome peacock blue wall!


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