
July 1, 2011

Them Bones....

I have always loved Bone Inlaid Furniture and recently came across this stunner.....
image source Here

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Can you imagine the time and attention to detail it would take to make something like this?! This is not a piece you aquire on a whim. This is a keeper! Something you would (hopefully) pass down to your kids and grandkids.

image source Here
One thing I have always wondered.....what kind of bones are they? It may seem like a wierd question, but that's where my mind wanders! Sometimes they are 'Mother of Pearl' which is just a fancy way of saying Abalone shell.

I hope to one day own a piece of bone inlaid furniture, but for now will have to settle for my Turkish chess set!

Whether bone or shell, I think they are amazing! What do you think about bone inlaid furniture?


  1. Like you said- stunning! I can't imagine what the price would be on something like this. It would definitely have to be an inheritance piece! Thanks for the share---

  2. Uauuu, how beautiful!
    really love it all

    hptt: / /

  3. I think they are camel bone...hopefully the camel led a long life and died of natural causes. Same goes for the abalone.

  4. Oh! That dresser is way cool!

    m ^..^


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